Minutes of Meeting of A.O.I. Dehra Dun Branch held on 4th May 2013 at Hotel Viceroy Inn Dehra Dun at 20.30 PM.


Annual G.B.M. of Association of Otolaryngologists of India was held on 4th May 23, 2013 at Hotel Viceroy inn Dehradun. Quorum was completed. The meeting was started by Dr.Mohit Kumar (President) and Dr.Anoop Kaushal (Secretary). The meeting was attended by the following Doctors:

Dr .P.L.Bhatia.

Dr. R.P. Garg.

Dr. M.S.Grover.

Dr. M.S. Groomer.

Dr. D.M. Kala.

Dr. Rakesh Gupta.

Col .Dr.V.P.Singh.

Dr. R.S.Chauhan.

Dr. Alok Jain.

Dr. Mohit Kumar.

Dr. Ashwin Garg

Dr. Anoop Kaushal.

Dr. Gogia Grover.

Dr. Piyush Tripathi.

Dr. Vijay Rangachari.

Dr. Vijay Baunthiyal.

Dr. Sanjay Verma.

Dr Vinish Aggarwal.

Dr Anoop Kaushal proposed the revised constitution of the branch to keep up with changing realties of Dehra dun branch and recent requirements of continuing practice as laid by M.C.I. it was also endevoured to increase the attendance at the meetings.

The salient features of the proposed Constitution of Dehradun Branch Of A.O.I. were as follows:

Proposed Constitution of Dehradun Branch Of A.O.I.


  1. All doctors working in any institution, private or govt., doing private practice, posted in Dehradun district, holding a recognized degree in MS, DNB, DLO, and attending the CMEs of the Dehradun branch after paying the annual contribution to the branch, will be considered members of the DEHRADUN BRANCH OF AOI.
  2. Doctors pursuing residency programs, junior shall be associate members, on paying the annual contributions as decided. They won’t carry any voting rights for decision making in the meetings,though they can put in their suggestions and inputs. Non-ENT doctors (MBBS or BDS) can also become associate members with consent of the GBM (a 50% strength minimum to establish quorum and two thirds majority approving membership)
  3. Annual contribution of Rs. 500/- will be taken in the sixth month of the year (June every year). The responsibility of the contribution lies on the member and not on the office bearers. Non payment of dues within three months, i.e. latest by September, would automatically disqualify the member and he/she will have to re-register with the local branch.
  4. New members added to the branch shall pay Rs. 1,000/- in the first year and Rs. 500/- every subsequent year.
  5. A record be kept of all the members , which is to include
    1. Self attested copy of the degree.
    2. Address proof
  • Personal details: e-mail, phone number, family details.
  1. A President shall be elected for a term of two years only. The president will have choice of choosing his secretary with consent of the members.
  2. CME programs shall be held on a regular basis and the intimation of the same will be sent to all the members. Though most of the CME talks are sponsored, but the members as rule would reply to the invitation of the CME by the office bearers and shall also inform about their attendance on the CME. Defaulters for three consecutive CME events shall automatically evoke a show cause notice and cancellation of membership. The final decision shall lie with President.
  3. CME credit hours to be applied by the Secretary for due accredited hours. Minutes of the meeting to be recorded and maintained for every event and passed in the next meeting.
  4. Receipt book to be maintained.
  5. Account to be opened in the name of ASSOCIATION OF ENT SURGEONS. Dr D.M.Kala has kindly consented for the same to be done at PNB, New road Dehradun.The authorized signatories for the account to be Dr. Mohit Kumar, Dr. Alok Jain and Dr. Anoop Kaushal. Minimum signatures of two of these three persons will be required to operate this account.
  6. Rules can be amended in the GBM with a quorum of at least 50% attendance and amendment passed with 2//3rd
  7. Scientific contributions are encouraged from all members.



On completion of a very successful tenure by Dr.Mohit Kumar as President and Dr.Anoop                           Kaushal as Secretary the name of new team was propsed and elected.for the Year 2013-14.Dr Anoop Kaushal’s name was proposed by Dr.D.M. Kala for the post of Preident and seconded by Dr.Rakesh Gupta.He was elected President. Dr Alok Jain’s name was proposed by Dr.M.S. Grover and seconded by Dr.Ashwin Garg. He was elected Secretary of the branch. The meeting was concluded by Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. Mohit Kumar.
























We all the members of A.O.I. Dehradun pass the minutes of the meeting and unanimously adopt the new Constitution.

Dr .P.L.Bhatia.

Dr. R.P. Garg.

Dr. M.S.Grover.

Dr. M.S. Groomer.

Dr. D.M. Kala.

Dr. Rakesh Gupta.

Col .Dr.V.P.Singh.

Dr. R.S.Chauhan.

Dr. Alok Jain.

Dr. Mohit Kumar.

Dr. Ashwin Garg

Dr. Anoop Kaushal.

Dr. Gogia Grover.

Dr. Piyush Tripathi.

Dr. Vijay Rangachari.

Dr. Vijay Baunthiyal.

Dr. Sanjay Verma.

Dr Vinish Aggarwal.
