Since the state of Uttarachal (now called Uttarakhand) was created in November, 2000; the thought of creating a separate state branch started coming to senior E.N.T. Surgeons like (Late)Dr. B.Kumar, Dr. R.P.S. Garg, Dr. P.L. Bhatia, Dr. Grover, Fr. Goomer, Dr. D.K.Isser & Dr. D.M.Kala. A very active academic forum of E.H.T. Surgeons at Dehradun was conducting academic meetings regularly each month and in one of these meetings (February 2006) it was decided to initiate the state branch and responsibility was given to Dr. D.M.Kala and Dr. Saurabh Varshney to conduct a meeting in May 2006. With all support from young colleagues and guidance from senior colleagues we conducted the last Conference of Uttarakhand State Branch of A.O.I. on 28th May 2006 at Dehradun.
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